The Société de Biologie de Strasbourg (SBS) is a learned society that was created in 1919 on the model of the Société de Biologie of which it is a subsidiary. As his Parisian colleague, SBS aims to diffuse and promote scientific knowledge in biology. The creation of the SBS took place at a time when the learned societies represented a major scientific means of communication. With the rise of new media throughout the twentieth century, the SBS has evolved while adapting to significant changes experienced by science during this period.
History of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg (in French by Professor J.-M. Mantz)
In 1998, the arrival of a new managing team, headed by Dr. Henry Dreyfus, gave a new impetus to the SBS. The establishment of Thesis Prizes for young doctors of the Université de Strasbourg authors of remarkable work in biology, and organization of public conferences on social issues involving science, were key actions of the new policy of SBS. In 2014, after sixteen years to develop the SBS, the team led by Dr. Dreyfus decided to entrust the reins of the SBS to a new team headed by Dr. Christophe Romier. It is through this renewed dynamic that the SBS was able to celebrate its Centenary on October 16, 2019, 100 years to the day after its creation on October 16, 1919.
Celebration of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg Centenary (in French by the members of the SBS)
At the beginning of the XXI century, the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg must continue to reinvent itself to pursue its objective of transmission and promotion of scientific knowledge in biology. Current changes, which see the connection between academic research and industrial research, open new perspectives to the SBS. In particular, through its local presence in the heart of a tri-Rhena region where biological research is recognized for its excellence, SBS has many strengths to successfully cope with the challenge of the XXI century.
The goal of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg and of its managing team is to continue this development by making the SBS an active platform for dialogue and collaboration between the different components of the research in biology and the civil society. This work continues in strong collaboration with our various sponsors and partners who, like the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg, work to push forward the excellence in biological research in Strasbourg and its region.