The nineteenth Thesis Prizes Ceremony of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg was held on Friday, March 9, 2018 in the amphitheater of the Collège Doctoral Européen (Campus de l’Esplanade) as part of the ED Days of the Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé of the University of Strasbourg. The Ceremony began with the speeches of the president of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg, Dr. Christophe Romier, and the vice-president of the University of Strasbourg, Professor Catherine Florentz. These speeches have been followed by those of the representatives of the sponsors of the Thesis Prizes: Dr. Nicolas Matt, vice-president of the Eurométropole de Strasbourg, Mr. Régis Bello, president of the Fondation Université de Strasbourg, Dr. Eric Quéméneur, deputy general manager of Transgene, and Professor Catherine Schuster, director of the Ecole Doctorale des Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé at the University of Strasbourg.
The plenary conference of the Ceremony was given by Professor Guy Mensah, director of the INSERM Unit U1119 of the Strasbourg University Hospitals, on the theme of Chemically-induced Neuropathies.
The Ceremony continued with the hearing of the various laureates. The 2017 Thesis Prizes list of laureates of the Société de Biologie de Strasbourg is given below. You can find press articles on this Ceremony by following the links below:
Article Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace March 11, 2018